Saturday, November 16, 2019

香脆南乳炸排骨 Crispy Fried Nam Yee Pork Ribs

哇噻 今天来个香喷喷的炸南乳排骨
好下饭 更是最棒的下酒菜

排骨(切小块) pork ribs 
(cut into small pieces)
南乳 2 pieces nam yee
南乳汁 1 tablespoon nam yee sauce
1 small piece fu yee + 1 teaspoon fu yee sauce
蒜末 some minced garlic
绍兴酒 2 teaspoons shao xin wine
蚝油 1 teaspoon oyster sauce
糖 half teaspoon sugar

排骨: 以南乳,南乳汁,腐乳,腐乳汁,蒜末,绍兴酒,蚝油拌匀
用手揉及拌匀, 放入冰箱腌制24小时
pork ribs: rub in all seasoning into the pork ribs
keep in the refrigerator and marinate it for at least 24 hours

炸前将腌制的排骨解冻, 再用手稍微揉几下
热油锅, 以大火然后转中火炸排骨至香脆即可
before fry rub a bit on the pork ribs 
fry the pork ribs with high heat and medium heat until crispy and tender

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