Tuesday, August 14, 2012

香辣茄子五花腩 Spicy Eggplants Pork Belly

五花腩(切小块) 300g pork belly (diced)
茄子1条(切长条) 1 eggplants (cut into smaller pieces)
豆瓣酱 2 tablespoons taucu paste 
蒜末, 姜片, 葱段, 小辣椒, 辣椒干
调味料: 生抽,黑酱油,绍兴酒,糖
minced garlic, sliced ginger, sliced spring onion, chili, dried chili
soy sauce, black thick soy sauce, shao xin wine, sugar

五花腩用绍兴酒, 黑酱油, 蚝油及生粉稍微腌制
marinate the pork belly with shao xin wine, black thick soy sauce, 
oyster sauce and corn starch

将茄子稍微煎炸过, 取出沥干油份
pan fry the eggplants and set aside

加入五花腩, 葱段, 小辣椒, 辣椒干及适量的水焖煮大约15分钟
再加入炸好的茄子和调味料, 煮至水快收干即可
heat oil in wok, add in sliced ginger and fry for 1 minute
add in minced garlic and stir fry for another minute
then add in taucu paste and stir fry
add in pork belly, sliced spring onion, chili, dried chili 
and water simmer for about 15 minutes
lastly add in eggplants simmer until the sauce thicken

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