Tuesday, November 15, 2011

XO醬燒茄子 Stir Fried Eggplants with XO Sauce

茄子(切小段) 2 large eggplants 
酱油1茶匙 1 teaspoon soy sauce
糖1茶匙 1 teaspoon sugar
XO酱2汤匙 2 tablespoons XO Sauce
绍兴酒1茶匙 1 teaspoon Shao Xin Wine
蚝油1/2茶匙 1/2 teaspoon oyster sauce
姜丝少许 sliced ginger
蒜末及洋葱末 minced garlic and shallot
香葱少许 spring onion
辣椒丝 sliced chili
胡椒粉及盐适量 pepper and salt to taste

热油锅,将 茄 子 炸 软 后 捞 出 
烧热1 大 匙 油 ,加入姜丝,蒜末及洋葱末炒香,
然后加 入 茄 子 以 小 火翻 炒,加入其它的调味料,
再加一杯水, 炒 到 酱汁 收 乾 即 可上桌
heat 2 tablespoon oil in wok, stir fry the eggplants until soft
remove and set aside
heat 1 tablespoon oil in wok, add in sliced ginger, 
minced onion & garlic, stir fry for q-2 minutes
add in eggplants, stir fry with low heat, add in all seasoning
add in 1 cup of water, stir fry for 2-3 minutes

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